Sri Lanka – TRCSL Temporary Closure Due to COVID-19

Sri Lanka - New Type Approval Procedures

Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka, the government has issued a quarantine curfew to be imposed on a few divisions as of October 25, 2020, including the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka or TRCSL.

TRCSL temporary measures include:

  • TRCSL agreed to issue temporary Type Approvals until the situation gets better.
  • The temporary approval can be converted to Permanent TA once TRCSL resumes normal business.
  • TRCSL will not accept samples until further notice as all employees are working from home according to the Deputy director of TRC. Products that require samples will not be accepted until further notice. Therefore, product certification that require samples will be delayed.

The temporary order may cause Type Approval delays. Contact iCertifi if you have any questions or concerns.

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