Importance of Homologation – Almost 25K Telecommunication Products Were Seized or Sealed

Brazil – The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) announced the results of a national operation to combat unlicensed telecommunications equipment, held from May 22 to 24, 2018. Nearly 25K telecommunication products were seized or sealed that did not meet the authorization requirements for commercialization. The products included IP phones, optical and network equipment, routers, and equipment with fixed wireless internet, such as radiation-restricted transceivers. According to ANATEL “equipment that is not homologated and that require the authorization of ANATEL can not be marketed in the country because they do not demonstrate compliance with the quality and safety requirements established in Brazilian regulations”.

What is Homologation?

Homologation or type approvals are issued to products which meet a minimum set of requirements for global market access.  These requirements are designed to ensure the products do not cause problems within the individual countries with regards to the wireless networks, consumer safety or general infrastructure.  The type approval is a requirement prior to the product being legally imported and/or sold in countries around the world. Many countries’ standards may use the FCC and CE test reports and grants as the basis of the application.  However, every country has different rules with which manufacturers must comply.  This may involve a simple paperwork processor, in some situations, require testing in the country to ensure compliance with the country’s specific regulations.  It should not be assumed that if you have FCC and CE marks, then you can sell globally. Always check with your regulatory compliance agent for individual country requirements.

How can iCertifi help me?

At iCertifi Global Type Approvals, we have extensive expertise in homologation and approval solutions. Our experienced and specially trained team will help guide you through even the most demanding homologation project. Our role in the process is to discuss with you what reports you currently have, what additional reports/tests are necessary, help you plan for certification costs and lead time.  Our knowledge and proficiency helps you map out your product launch and ensure your product complies with global access regulatory requirements for market access.

For more information on type approval regulations or to find out if your product is compliant, please contact

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