Thailand – NBTC Requirements for Wi-Fi 6E

Thailand NBTC WiFi 6e

As a follow up to our post from May 2, 2023, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand held an internal meeting on June 8, 2023, to conclude the required documents and test reports for class B (such as WWAN+WiFi 6E products) and sDoC (such as WiFi 6E products).

Note: As this is an NBTC internal meeting, there are no written documents released by NBTC. 

Here is a summary of the guidelines:

1) WiFi 6E Module Approval:
NBTC previously refused to accept any wifi 6E module owing to the possibility that it may support the unauthorized frequency range of 6.425-7.125 GHz. However, NBTC has finally come to the decision that they may authorize SdoC for the wifi 6E module in order to permit importation of the wifi 6E module to the Thailand market.

2) End product approval using RF test reports of WiFi 6E radio module
For end product approval, NBTC allows the use of RF test reports of wifi 6E modules.

3) End product approval using test reports of the end product.

4) End product approval using RF test reports of WiFi 6E radio module but will disable 5.925-7.125 GHz (and use only 2.4 and 5GHz).

 5) RF test report requirements:
RF test report shall contain test results for all supporting bandwidth. For example, if a product supports 4 bandwidths 20/40/80/160, the RF test report shall contain testing of all the 4 possible bandwidths.

6) EMF/SAR test report requirements:
EMF/SAR test report shall be issued under end product model. It shall contain only 5.925-6.425 GHz (can not show 6.425-7.125 GHz frequency).

7) Products using Transmit Power Envelope (TPE)
Due to a lack of information, NBTC is unable to determine whether they can accept products using Transmit Power Envelope (TPE) that adjust power as LPI (250 mW EIRP) when connected to an indoor access point, or as VLP (25 mW EIRP) when connected to outdoor equipment like a pocket wifi, smartphone hotspot, or outdoor access point. For their consideration, NBTC will consider a trial project and has specified the requirements for the trial. 

8) Consideration of indoor & outdoor and indoor products
Updated on August 24, 2023, NBTC set up maximum output power as in the table below. NBTC has made decision to allow client portable equipment to use output power on both LPI 250mW EIRP and VLP 25 mW EIRP. It means that, now mobile phone, tablet, and notebook PC, will be eligible to apply certificate in both 250 and 25 mW EIRP. For formal implementation, NBTC will take a month to complete their internal approval procedure. Please note that there will be no formal regulation released for this update because the formal regulation remains same, it is only NBTC changed their interpretation to their regulation. However, if there is any product require approval during this one month period, NBTC will accept the application and approve products. Below will be new table of Indoor and Indoor/Outdoor equipment classifications.

Frequency (GHz)

Maximum e.i.r.p. output power (mW)


Example of products




LPI: Wifi access point, desktop computer (without battery), mobile phone, notebook PC, any client equipment.


Indoor and outdoor

VLP: 1) Wifi outdoor equipment, portable access point will be allowed to use only 25 mW EIRP.

2) Desktop computers (without battery), mobile phone, notebook PC, any client equipment will be allowed to use only 25 mW EIRP when connecting to other client equipment or outdoor equipment.


For more information on Thailand NBTC requirements, please contact iCertifi.


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