Thailand – New Safety Standard for AV Equipment

TIS 62368-1 (2563)

The Ministry of Industry of Thailand published a new safety standard for AV equipment on June 24, 2022. The ministerial regulation mandates that the audio/video, information and communication technology equipment listed below must comply with the industrial standard TIS 62368-1 (2563).

1. Radio
2. Television
3. Amplifier
4. Disc player
5. Video game console
6. Wireless microphone receiver
7. Radio receiver
8. Television receiver
9. Satellite receiver
10. Speaker and amplifier
11. Signal converter
12. Signal processor
13. Audio mixer
14. Electronic musical instrument
15. Audio and video player
16. Network audio/video receiver
17. Cable TV head-end receiver
18. Audio and video converter
19. Supply equipment (adaptor) for electronics
20. Supply equipment (adaptor) for smart phone and tablet

Products no. 1-19, must comply to safety standard TIS 62368-1 (2563) as of December 21, 2022, and product no. 20 must comply as of October 17, 2023.

If you would like more information on the approval requirements in Thailand, please contact iCertifi.

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