Trinidad and Tobago – Important Update – TATT Changes to Validity, Action Required

TATT Certificate Changes to validity

The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) has rolled out a significant change in its Equipment Standardisation and Certification Framework for the Telecommunications and Broadcasting Sectors.

Here’s the key update you need to know:

Change in Certificate Validity:

Previously, TATT Certificates had permanent validity, however, the new regulations introduce a five-year validity period for all Equipment Certificates.

Certificate Renewal:

For existing Equipment Certificates that have exceeded the five-year term, manufacturers and companies must apply for a new Equipment Certificate.

This shift demonstrates TATT’s commitment to ensuring up-to-date and secure equipment in the region. To stay compliant, manufactures should monitor their certificate expiration dates.

For assistance with new or existing TATT certification requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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