UAE - Market Surveillance - iCertifi

UAE – Market Surveillance

TDRA Updated Labeling Requirements

The Emirates Authority for Standardization and Meteorology (ESMA), has issued a noticed dated September 15, 2019 concerning Market Surveillance. The Authority has has announced they plan to coordinate with local governing agencies and will conduct an intensive inspection campaign on both showrooms and warehouses in the market beginning October 1, 2019.

All traders, manufacturers, retailers and importers are required to ensure their devices are certified and comply with local legislation. Upon request or at the time of inspection, they are required to make available the Conformity Certificate that was issued. Failure to obtain a Certificate of Conformity may result in penalties or a product recall.

It is very important to note that getting CoC certificates in UAE without completing the mandatory government procedures is very unsafe and we recommend that manufacturers contact certification companies such as iCertifi to eliminate complications.

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