UAE – TDRA Invites Stakeholder Engagement for Private 5G Network Consultation

TDRA private 5G consultation UAE

The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) of the UAE is proactively engaging in a comprehensive consultation process regarding the potential deployment of private 5G networks in the UAE.

Consultation Objectives

This initiative seeks to gather insights and feedback from various stakeholders to stay ahead of technological advancements and better integrate partner and stakeholder perspectives into its regulatory practices. The primary goal of this consultation is to gather diverse viewpoints in response to the questions outlined in the consultation document.

How to Participate

Participants are encouraged to provide their comments and insights on the proposed texts within the document. TDRA values input on any relevant aspects beyond the specific questions posed, ensuring a holistic review of stakeholder suggestions before finalizing any decisions.

For ease of response, stakeholders can submit their feedback either as outlined in the consultation document or through the dedicated consultation page on TDRA’s website. All formal comments must be submitted by 3:00 PM on July 31, 2024.

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