UAE – TDRA Updated Labeling Requirements

TDRA Updated Labeling Requirements

As mentioned in our previous post from May 2021, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in UAE has changed its name to the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA). iCertifi has been informed that as a result, their logo has changed and the updated TDRA labeling requirements have been issued.

For all current and future TDRA approval applications, the labeling requirements are as follows:



If you have questions or would like more information on TDRA approvals, please contact iCertifi.


  • Reply Doug Kealey June 14, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    I would love to know the date that this change must be reflected on the label, and whether UAE will require a costly change to the product’s packaging if an existing product has this label embedded in the color artwork on the product packaging.

    • Reply Faith Jacobs Smith June 16, 2022 at 9:40 am

      Hello and thank you for the comment.
      The label change is mandatory for new type approval certificates or renewal certificates issued after March 1, 2022. For anything already on the market, no action is required.

      If you would like more information please email us directly at

  • Reply Gonca Karaman October 3, 2022 at 6:17 am

    Where should this label located? Is it mandatory to put on the device or pasting anywhere on the packagingis ok?

    • Reply Faith Jacobs Smith October 3, 2022 at 9:57 am

      Hi Gonca,

      Thank you for the inquiry. I have sent you an email with that information.

      Please email us directly if you have additional questions, We are happy to assist.

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