United Kingdom – Draft Regulation for Continued Recognition of CE Marking for Product Safety

Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Act

On April 15, 2024, the United Kingdom published a draft legislation titled – The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment) Regulations 2024. This legislation pertains to consumer safety, environmental protection, and health and safety standards in Great Britain. It outlines the requirements that products must meet to be sold in the market.

Amendments to existing legislation remove provisions that set out the expiration of obligations tied to corresponding EU laws. Instead, economic operators can now meet conformity assessment or testing requirements by complying with EU standards. Transitional measures deemed unnecessary are also revoked. Key aspects include:

Legislative Changes:
  • Continued recognition of the CE Mark for product safety in the UK beyond the initial expiration date of December 31, 2024.
  • Adoption of a new provision allowing UKCA marking based on EU conformity assessments, thereby providing manufacturers flexibility in complying with GB or EU standards.
Policy Context:
  • The changes aim to reduce regulatory burdens and facilitate trade by continuing to recognize EU standards alongside UK standards.
  • They are in response to feedback from industry stakeholders and are designed to provide clarity and stability in product regulation.
Impact and Implementation:
  • The regulation extends across England, Wales, and Scotland.
  • It covers 21 product regulations including areas such as safety, environmental protection, and accuracy of products.
  • A full impact assessment indicates a significant net benefit to businesses, with minimal impact on charities or the public sector.
Future Considerations:
  • The government may consider ceasing EU recognition for some products in the future if deemed beneficial for the UK.
  • Monitoring and periodic review of these regulations will continue to ensure they meet the intended objectives without increasing regulatory burdens.

The draft legislation published alongside the Explanatory Memorandum can be viewed here. This memorandum ensures ongoing alignment with EU standards while maintaining the sovereignty of UK product regulations, aiming to support businesses with greater regulatory flexibility.

For more detailed information on UKCA certification requirements or if you require a UKCA Authorised Representative, please contact iCertifi.

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