Vietnam – Amendments to Conformity Assessment of Communication Products

Vietnam – The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has officially released Circular 15/2018/TT-BTTTT, supplementing and amending Circular 30/2011/TT-BTTTT. This Circular was prepared with the intent to resolve all conflicts between regulations in “Product Quality Inspection Registration” (PQIR) process and to be in compliance with Decree 132/2008/ND-CP and Decree 74/2018/ND-CP.

Key features of the Circular are the following:

  • MIC introduces definition of authorized local representative of oversea manufacturer. Type Approval certificate and local test reports issued under the name of authorized local representative of oversea manufacturer will be valid for any importers in importation, customs clearance, and PQIR for imported products.
  • Type Approval certificate will not be invalid when new technical standard(s) enter in effect.
  • Lead time to issue Type Approval certificate is reduced from 10 working days to 7 working days
  • The validity of ADoC is limited to the validity of Type Approval certificate (for a product which is required to get both Type Approval and Declaration of Conformity) or 3 years (for products which is required for Declaration of Conformity only).
  • MIC officially confirms that ADoC for an imported product is now terminated. ADoC can be only issued for domestic manufactured products.
  • Test reports are accepted by the certification body of Vietnam regardless of the test reports date, if there are no any changes in the product.
  • ADoC issued before 10 August 2018 will be still be valid when this Circular enter in effect. (permanent validity)

If you have questions on Type Approval in Vietnam please contact our certification team.

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