Vietnam – MIC Type Approval Updates

MIC Vietnam has drafted a new Circular that will replace Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT , concerning regulations on the list of products subject to MIC Type Approval certification and Declaration of Conformity. The new Circular shall take effect as of July 1, 2019 along with several other new national technical standards issued by the MIC.

Highlighted changes are as follows:

  1. MIC adds HS Code for each kind of products for easier implementation and market control.
  2. Enforces new national technical standards:
    Coverage New Standard Old Standard
    4G FDD LTE Terminal Devices  (4G Cell Phone / Laptop/Notebook/ and other 4G Terminal Devices) QCVN 117:2018/BTTTT QCVN 47:2015/BTTTT
    EMC Requirements for Multimedia Standards (Includes ITE and AV) QCVN 118:2018/BTTTT TCVN 7189:2009
    3G W-CDMA FDD Repeater QCVN 66:2018/BTTTT QCVN 66:2013/BTTTT
    3G W-CDMA FDD Base Station QCVN 16:2018/BTTTT QCVN 16:2010/BTTTT
  3. Several radio devices have been removed from Appendix I (to be exempt from TA certification or forbidden) Self -assesment Declaration of Conformity will still be required for a part of TA exempt products.
    • RFID 866-868 MHz has been removed, as complying with Circular 18/2018/TT-BTTT stating RFID 866-868 MHz is forbidden in Vietnam.
    • Most maritime devices (except Marine Radar) have been moved from Appendix I to Appendix II and are subject to DOC instead of TA.
  4. Only Safety requirements of QCVN 101:2016/BTTTT (equal to IEC 62133:2012) will be required for Lithium Battery during the lifetime of the new circular (est. 2019 ~ 2020).

If you have questions on Radio and ITE device certification in Vietnam, please contact our compliance team.

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