Which countries are enabling Wi-Fi 6E?

What countries are enabling Wi-Fi 6E?

Wi-Fi 6E refers to Wi-Fi 6 devices operating in the 5925-7125 MHz (“6 GHz”) frequency band. As the latest generation and standard for wireless internet, Wi-Fi 6E provides the same basic functionality to its users as its predecessors but with faster connectivity speeds, better coverage and improved capacity.

In recognition of the important benefits delivered by Wi-Fi 6E, countries around the world are opening the 6 GHz unlicensed band for Wi-Fi usage.

Where do select countries stand on opening up for 6E?

Many regulators across the globe are currently opening public consultations on the use of the 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi and other license-exempt technologies.

If you would like to learn more about countries enabling Wi-Fi 6E, please contact iCertifi.


  • Reply Gunther Guia August 15, 2022 at 9:35 pm

    Dear Sir/Mam,

    Good day. I am Gunther Guia from the Philippines, I would like to know if there are any news on Philippines – NTC adopting the 6Ghz band for WIFI? If yes, when is the tentative timelines for this?

    Thank you.

    • Reply Faith Jacobs Smith August 17, 2022 at 9:22 am

      Hi Gunther,
      Thank you for visiting our website!

      As of now WIFI 6E for 6GHz capabilities is not allowed yet in the Philippines. And we have no notice of a timeline.

      If we can assist you with other Global Type Approval requirements or quotations, please feel free to email us at info@icertifi.com.

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